Abu Lahab  Feb 17, 2008 • 6:49:55am

There’s a strong pro-American sentiment in Kosovo. I don’t think it’s a traditional Muslim state, or at least , it’s not so far.
Europe should watch out for this new born country not to fall into the hands of Islamofascists.

Jfundie  Feb 17, 2008 • 7:03:22am

Duh, they have pro american sentiments because Clinton bombed Serbia to rubble.

But KLA were trained in AfghanistanSudan by OBL and have ties to world islamic terrorism. Wonder how much time will it be until they serve as a base of AQ operations against the EU.

Jfundie  Feb 17, 2008 • 7:03:45am
abu lahab  Feb 17, 2008 • 8:22:22am
Duh, they have pro american sentiments because Clinton bombed Serbia to rubble.

Maybe it’s worth mentioning why the US interfered and how its intervention saved thousands of lives?

It’s not that the US and Nato decided just like that to “bomb Serbia to rubble” !

Wonder how much time will it be until they serve as a base of AQ operations against the EU.

This is what I’m talking about. The EU and the US should keep a close eye on this “new state” so that it doesn’t turn into the base you are talking about.
Pro-American sentiment in Kosovo is not merely because “Serbia was bombed to rubble”, but because they have witnessed how US intervention brought to justice the Serbian dictator and his gang, and SAVED lives on both sides.
I hope this century will witness removing more dictators from power by the US. Actually, if not the US, then no other country on earth will bother with the idea of spreading human rights culture and freedom.

Jfundie  Feb 17, 2008 • 8:41:04am

re: #4 abu lahab

Duh, they have pro american sentiments because Clinton bombed Serbia to rubble.

Maybe it’s worth mentioning why the US interfered and how its intervention saved thousands of lives?

It’s not that the US and Nato decided just like that to “bomb Serbia to rubble” !

Wonder how much time will it be until they serve as a base of AQ operations against the EU.

This is what I’m talking about. The EU and the US should keep a close eye on this “new state” so that it doesn’t turn into the base you are talking about.
Pro-American sentiment in Kosovo is not merely because “Serbia was bombed to rubble”, but because they have witnessed how US intervention brought to justice the Serbian dictator and his gang, and SAVED lives on both sides.
I hope this century will witness removing more dictators from power by the US. Actually, if not the US, then no other country on earth will bother with the idea of spreading human rights culture and freedom.

You are ignorant of facts, dear friend.

KLA was indeed a terrorist gang by any account. Both Milocevic and KLA had their share of massacres, but Clinton decided to bomb Serbia and to give KLA terrorist drug dealer group leader (who is as guilty of ethnic cleansing as the former) a legit status. And now they have a state.

As for “saving lives on both sides” - Kosovo was then ethnically cleansed of 100,000 Serbs UNDER NATO, and some 900 Serbs were murdered by KLA and the Muslims and had to concentrate in ghettos to have their lives spared.

Ethnically cleansing a place which has always been Serb and then creating a Muslim state led by a murderous drug dealing Al Qaeda tied gang is not the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking of “human rights culture and freedom”…

Carolyn  Feb 17, 2008 • 8:45:52am

We are siding against Christians, for moslems.
/just makes me sick

LC LaWedgie  Feb 17, 2008 • 8:47:16am

Kosovo not fall into the hands of Islamofacism?

Hoo! Yeah, that’ll work. (not)

Look at Turkey. Hide & watch.

Abu Lahab  Feb 17, 2008 • 8:57:40am

If things are this simple and it all depended on some impromptu decision by Clinton, then why is the US still supporting an independent state in Kosovo?
Explain this mystery to me.

Ethnically cleansing a place which has always been Serb and then creating a Muslim state led by a murderous drug dealing Al Qaeda tied gang is not the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking of “human rights culture and freedom”.

Now that’s some statement indeed!

Enlighten me please with your explanation on why the United States that is fighting and leading the war on terror is so supportive of Kosovo independence?
Yes, both parties in this war have blood on their hands, and we are not here measuring who has more blood. Arguing the removing the Serbian dictator is not part of spreading freedom is what I may call reality-denial.

Abu Lahab  Feb 17, 2008 • 9:06:01am


Jfundie  Feb 17, 2008 • 9:13:13am

re: #8 Abu Lahab

If things are this simple and it all depended on some impromptu decision by Clinton, then why is the US still supporting an independent state in Kosovo?
Explain this mystery to me.

Ethnically cleansing a place which has always been Serb and then creating a Muslim state led by a murderous drug dealing Al Qaeda tied gang is not the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking of “human rights culture and freedom”.

Now that’s some statement indeed!

Enlighten me please with your explanation on why the United States that is fighting and leading the war on terror is so supportive of Kosovo independence?
Yes, both parties in this war have blood on their hands, and we are not here measuring who has more blood. Arguing the removing the Serbian dictator is not part of spreading freedom is what I may call reality-denial.

I’m talking about facts, you are making bizarre statments alleging NATO and US state department won’t support undemocratic entities and terrorists. Should i remind you of the Palestinians, Egyptians and Saudis?

Facts are - KLA is gang linked to Islamic terrorism, Serbs were treated badly while KLA got a slack for murdering thousands and ethnically cleansing 100,000 serbs.

This is EXACTLY the same type of behaviour US has towards Israel. If the Jewish settlers are to be deported and land is to be given to terrorists it must bring Peace and Democracy forever after.

Abu Lahab  Feb 17, 2008 • 9:19:35am

Honestly, I totally agree with you when it comes to Egypt, Saudi or even Pakistan. Unfortunately that’s sadly true.
It remains so incomprehensible to me why the US supports to this extend an independent state in Kosovo? President Bush is no less supportive of Kosovo independence. WHY?
If you have an assumption, please share it with me.

Jfundie  Feb 17, 2008 • 9:43:33am

re: #11 Abu Lahab

Honestly, I totally agree with you when it comes to Egypt, Saudi or even Pakistan. Unfortunately that’s sadly true.
It remains so incomprehensible to me why the US supports to this extend an independent state in Kosovo? President Bush is no less supportive of Kosovo independence. WHY?
If you have an assumption, please share it with me.

I just wanted to point out that US Administration support for something does not neccesarily mean this something is OK.

I think Kosovo is just another way to appease separatists so that they don’t cause too much disturbance. Muslim Albanians are vast majority in the region now after most Serbs were forced to flee under NATO, and the so called national community believes that there will be less “mess” if Kosovo if allowed independence.

Morally and judicially they are wrong, no doubt in that.

Milosevic died under Hague tribinal, Serbia has a completely Demoratic goverment now. There is no point in “punishing” the serbs for Socialist Dictatorship misdeeds and rewarding a gang of drug dealers and OBL trained terrorists.

Poor treatment of Serbs while rewarding Muslims bothers me very much because the Serbs were perhaps the most helpful nation that stood by balkan Jews during the holocaust, while Kosovar Albanians formed SS units and murdered countless Jews. So excuse me if pics of US flags on their cars don’t uplift me.

LC LaWedgie  Feb 17, 2008 • 10:16:16am


Abu Lahab  Feb 17, 2008 • 10:46:22am


MacGregor  Feb 18, 2008 • 8:54:43am

re: #14 Abu Lahab

Thank you for sharing your views. I’ve learned a lot from your (and other’s) comments in this and oher threads.

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